Archive for May, 2008


¤21 excited..

May 29, 2008

Yesterday I finally handed in the essay. Yeay! I finished!! Now there are only two more things to hand in before the end of the semester – June 11th. And then we’ll have a couple of weeks for packing.

I’m still excited about our new apartment… i want to move in now!..but I guess we’ll have to wait another month. There are so many things I want to do.. new stuff that I would like to buy.. le’at le’at (slowly slowly) 

Talitha is now crawling… she looks so funny because she’s very tiny.. only 6,5kg/14,3lbs .. which is really not much for her age (7 months) She looks like a little ant crawling around.. 🙂 And her pants obviously prefer to stay on the spot were she started crawling… they’re just way to big. 🙂 I’m looking forward to make her own room in the new apartment. Where we live now she’s kind of having her bed in a small room where we’re storing all kinds of crap. In the new place she’s going to have her own room.

Tonight I’m going to a birthday party… somebody turning 2,5 times older than I am.. Good that thatdudeyouknow is not working fridays any longer.. so I can do the shopping for the weekend (wich I usually do thursday evening) tomorrow without kids. yeay!

Today I have Efraim at home.. he’s always home from kindergarten thursdays.. today I have a headache and I’m really tired.. not that a good timing.

Anyway.. I asked him what he wants for his 4th birthday (beginning of August) and he said that he wants a bunch of kids (friends I guess.. or I definitely hope he doesn’t meen a bunch of new brothers..haha) ..and he wants “everything”, and “a lot”.. That helps a lot! or not…

I think we’ll buy them that plastic pool that I was talking about – for his birthday.. and maybe he needs some new stuff for the room.. I hope we’ll get some ideas when we move in to the new place. I really don’t have any ideas. We were thinking of a bike.. but since we want him to learn without training wheels I think he’ll have to wait another year.

Please tell me how to spell which wich ….aaa.. whatever?? No matter how I spell it, it looks wrong. 


¤20 Contract signed!

May 25, 2008

We signed the contract for the apartment! Yeay! You can’t imagine how happy we are!!


¤19 We’ve found a place!

May 23, 2008

We’ve found an apartment, not far away from were we live now. We’re going to see the landlord tomorrow evening and hopefully sign the contract by then.. moving in on July 1st. yeay!

4 rooms and garden… 🙂 big hall between the bedrooms -were we probably will have place for a desk and the computer.. laundry room connected to the kitchen. I can’t believe it’s true until we’ve signed the contract!


¤18 5 days a week

May 22, 2008

It turns out Tobias is going to work only five days a week!! Can you understand how wonderful that is? He’s been working 6 days a week for more than 2 years now.. and no vacation. The kids will be so happy! And so will I… 🙂 This will make it possible for us to get out a little with the kids.. do stuff.. and it will be much easier for me to clean and cook before the Sabbath. yeay!



¤17 Moving Out

May 21, 2008

Today our landlord told us that he has sold the apartment and that we have to move out before July 31st. He promised us to give us 4 months to find something else.. but that appearently wasn’t true. We get 2 months only! And since our contract will expire at June 30th, we have nothing to say about it..

We’ll just have to accept the situation and start looking for a new place.. wich is not so easy since there is a lack of apartments here..

Anyway.. I’m dreaming of a house with four or five rooms.. and a little garden where the children can play.. where they can have little pool in the summer.. That would be like a paradise for us. Where we live now is an old apartment at the third floor, no elevator.. and only a tiny little balcony for laundry.


First day in new life

May 20, 2008

Just a short post before preparing the dinner..

First of all.. I decided to give up that idea to always start the post with a picture… well.. yes. It looks nice.. But I think I would write more frequently if I don’t have to find a stupid picture every time. I defenitely have to learn to point the camera at something else.. and not only at our beautiful kids.. haha

Thatdudeyouknow will soon finish his first day at his new work… I can’t wait to hear how it was.. but since I don’t want to disturb him with phone calls.. I’ll wait anyway.

This is really a new start for us.. New job, hopefully better economy and hopefully he will come home earlier, and be able to see the kids in the evening. We’re also thinking of a try to eat more healthy.. we both gained weight this last few months.. wich we would be happy to loose again.. At his old work.. we were able to eat dinner together only in the weekends.. and he had his lunch at work. From now on he will bring his food from home.. so then it is easier to make it more healthy.

I’m still working with my stupid essays.. and I realized I’ll be “overbooked” until June 8th. I have a lot to do.. but then I’ll have two wonderful months of rest! yeay!

I really think I should prepare the food for the kids now. They are in a really bad mood.


¤15 I want to bring a crocodile to Greenland

May 15, 2008

Warning text inside the storage basket of strollerI’m still struggling with the essay… passed half the time I had for it.. did definitely not finished half the essay – and I have absolutely no idea how to get enough time – even if I study on shabat – wich I prefer not to do – but if the only other choice is the second chance in the summer – shabat is better..

Today I went shopping… for a whole week. Nice to do that again.. if not – I have to go to do shopping with the kids every single day and that takes me a lot of time and energy that I could use for other things.

On the way to the mall (walking) a car drove up behind me, stopped, they opened the window and asked if I wanted a lift to the mall. It was the delivery truck.. delivering people’s groceries home from the supermarket. (including ours.. You pay 20 shekels/$6 to get it delivered within two hours.. good service for us who don’t have a car) The guys already recognize me and know that I do my shoppings every Thursday evening… Soo.. I got a lift with the arab delivery guys.. new experience! 🙂

Baby Talitha is finally starting to eat solids.. today I got her to eat a whole jar of rice, potatoes and vegetables!! The energy she got from that she used to do some exercises.. like standing on hands and toes with belly and knees in the air.. loosing balance, rolling over, bumping head into the floor – crying.. hugging.. going back to floor – doing exactly the same thing over again! Third kid.. but still so amazing to see them learn..

Emunah is btw. sleeping without diaper for the first time… we’ll see how it goes..

Now I should study.

The title has nothing to do with the post itself.
Though I would like to go to Greenland some time.


¤14 The Mom Song

May 9, 2008

I was laughing sooo much!!


¤13 Previous cakes

May 9, 2008

This post is a gallery with the cakes I made before I started with this blog.
For Tobias’ second birthday celebration this year. April-08
Moose warning sign – they have those in Sweden!

For Tobias’ 26th birthday, March-08 

For a friend’s baptism – February-08

For a wedding, February-08


¤12 Israel 60 years! Happy birthday!

May 8, 2008

And here is the birthday cake that I made!