
259 So now we know what it’s like

October 7, 2009

So.. here we are.. almost 8 weeks done of the pregnancy. And now I know what the morning sickness is like this time. I had a very hard time for a week around the 6th-7th week. Constantly nauseaus and exhausted. It didn’t exactly help that I from one day to another had to stop drinking coffee. I can’t stand even the smell anymore. I had the same problem in my last pregnancy.

Now.. as long as I sleep enough – which means 8-10 hours a night.. and can take a nap daytime + keep eating all the time – I’m feeling quite ok. Though if I don’t sleep enough and don’t eat all the time I’m sick sick sick.

The problem with the constant eating is that I’ll probably gain a lot more weight this time than with the girls. With them I gained only the weight from the pregnancy itself. I was back to myself the same day they were born.
I’m also craving “bad things” this time.. like hamburgers, pizza, fried food, candy etc. Hubby says I’m craving manly food – so it’s probably a boy this time.. And he is right that this pregnancy is more like the one I had with our son than the ones with the girls. So maybe we really do have a boy this time… we’ll see.

Now I just can’t wait until we’re done with the first trimester. I’m so sick of being sick all the time.


  1. Morning sickness stinks. I hope you get over it soon.

  2. Another baby. I’m so happy for you guys. This is great. I’m very late so I’m hoping you feel much better now. Congratulations you two.

  3. Rats. I was hoping you would blog. Take care of yourself. You’re in my thoughts and prayers.

  4. found my way here from Joy. I had two boys with morning “sickness” just like yours. Bad cravings…nausea that went away with sleep and food. I gained 45-55 lbs with both and lost it all from both. Those cheese fries with bacon and ranch sure were good though. 😉 hope your nausea goes away soon.

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