Posts Tagged ‘willpower’


193 Essay Time

January 17, 2009

It’s time to start writing the essay now.. From now on ten weeks of hard work, and worse of all.. it’s all my responsibility. It is all about self discipline. From now on there is no time for excuses. I’m usually good at excuses why I shouldn’t study.. But now – there are no excuses. I have to – and I know that when I have to – I can do it. I know I can be very effective.. If I have the will power I can do it.

I have the will power and I will do it.

You’ll not get to read the essay.. because it will be in Swedish. I’m not sure you would be interested either. I’ll in some way compare the fabrication of Louis XIV and the fabrication of Gustaf III (of Sweden) according to two different authors. More than that I don’t know myself even.. because I didn’t really read the books yet. But I’ll sure work something out. My teacher helped me to get down to these two books so that hopefully means I’m on the right track.